Tuesday, November 17, 2015

The unanswerable

The kid: mommy which ring did you get married with (fathers name)? 
Me: none
The kid: yes you did because how come (fathers name) is my daddy
A few seconds of silence as the robot mommy me comes back to reality from bedtime routine mode...followed by a quick brush off since it was time to brush his teeth. 

Response in my head: whatttttt the fuck! why are you asking me so many difficult questions I don't have the answers to!!! You're 6 yrs old!!!! Cmon!!! 

And then I paused and stared at myself in the mirror for a few seconds and thought "crap" we were never married. We were together for four years though. Four long years of my life that I will never get back should count for something. 
And the consolation prize is....

(How) do I explain that to the kid. 
Yes technically being married would've been nice and having a story would've been nice and having a magical supposed fairy tale would've been nice too but the truth is we were not married. 

It's ok. 
We were not married.
We were committed. 
We did live together.

Does that make our relationship any less 
Of a relationship? 
I don't think so but, what does a 6 yr old think?

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